Tuesday, October 25, 2011

time to play

As I sit in the busyness of my day I am mindful of the way it began and what is pulling me through. This morning as I was trying to squeeze a few more moments of sleep from the night I hear this tender voice accompanied by the warmth of a hug whispering..."Mom, don't forget, don't forget to pack your racquet today, ok? Don't forget Mom." What a wonderful way to awake, with my son's voice asking for time with me, time to play and be with him. Then my day begins...first a continued search for a devotional book that I want to use for a message I am preparing for the House of Prayer, the title I have no idea, I just remember that I loved it and that it moved me. I don't even remember the quote but I know that I was moved and could sense God in something I read (isn't that how we remember most things, by how they made us feel more than the actual content). No book yet, so now I sit at my desk thankful for my job at the House of Prayer, about to run a lunch to school because someone forgot it this morning. Then I'm heading to a generosity event where I may be sharing a bit at the end...and then I remembered by racquet. I get to play. That voice that began my day planted a seed of longing to be on that court, pulling me through the busyness of my day, a day I am most grateful for the many things I get to do, but most of all I can't wait to pick up my racquet.

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