Tuesday, October 11, 2011


There are days when it seems life is going by and I'm existing within it's boundaries, leaving me in a state of frustration underlined by a deep knowing that I, that we, were made for more than mere existence. We were created to fully live, to embrace each day as an incredible gift and to simply take the time to be grateful for the smallest most nonsensical displays of beauty. It is so true in my practice that somehow being thankful brings me back to life. Being grateful for my morning cup of coffee centers my attention so that I can taste, smell and feel again. When I don't take the time to be grateful sadly entitlement can get in the way, as I seek to satisfy this insatiable hunger to be awakened, to be alive. Oh dear God, awake my soul. Only you can satisfy. I want to experience life as a gift and to be aware of You in the moment. I want to fully live this life you paid such a price to give. "Narnia, Narnia, Narnia, awake. Love. Think. Speak. Be walking trees. Be talking beasts. Be divne waters."


  1. I do know that feeling of merely existing in the boundaries. Thank you for the reminder to live fully in gratitude for all that we've been given.

    I'm so excited you're writing :) I look forward to reading all you have to say, and I will definitely help spread the word that you're out here!

  2. Hey, Ladonna,
    I'm a friend of Lori's, and she pointed me your way. Blogging is such an adventure. I'm looking forward to reading more by you. Plus, I know if you like Dave M. and Pride and Prejudice, we will be friends for sure.

  3. Awake my soul had been a cry of mine this year. Thanks for the starting Line!

  4. Thanks for the encouragement, friends! I am learning as I go, but am excited about the adventure.
